What are Lux and Lumen in Lighting?

What are Lux and Lumen in Lighting?

Light is an essential part of our daily lives, and although we often take it for granted, it is a complex phenomenon with various aspects. Two important terms frequently used in the world of lighting are lux and lumen. While they are often confused, each has a specific meaning and function within lighting technology. This article explores what lux and lumen are, how they differ, and why they are important in lighting design. For larger-scale applications such as outdoor illumination, LED Floodlights are an excellent choice due to their powerful output and energy efficiency.

What is Lumen?

Lumen (lm) is a unit that describes the total amount of visible light emitted by a light source. It is a measure of the luminous flux, which is the light emitted in all directions from a light source. In other words, lumen indicates how much light a lamp or other light source emits, regardless of where that light goes. This makes it a useful measurement for describing the brightness of a lamp.

Lumen is particularly helpful when comparing the light output of different types of lamps. Traditional incandescent bulbs were measured in watts, but wattage only describes how much energy a lamp consumes, not how much light it produces. With the advent of energy-efficient lighting such as LEDs, the lumen value has become more important, as it provides a direct indication of the amount of light emitted.

What is Lux?

Lux (lx) is the unit of illuminance and describes how many lumens fall on a specific surface area. It is a measure of the intensity of light on a particular surface. Where lumen describes the total light output of a source, lux measures how much light actually reaches a specific area.

One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter. For example, if a light source emits 1000 lumens and illuminates an area of one square meter, the illuminance on that surface is 1000 lux. If the same amount of light is spread over an area of ten square meters, the illuminance is only 100 lux.

The Difference Between Lumen and Lux

Although lumen and lux are both related to light, they describe different aspects of it. Lumen measures the total amount of light emitted by a source, while lux measures the intensity of that light on a specific surface. A lamp can have a high lumen value (emit a lot of light), but if that light is spread over a large area, the lux value (the intensity of light on a surface) may be low.

A useful way to understand this difference is by considering a flashlight as an example. A powerful flashlight may have a high lumen value, but the lux value depends on where the beam of light is directed and how concentrated it is. If the beam is spread out wide, the light covers a large area, reducing the lux per square meter. If the beam is focused, the light is concentrated on a smaller area, increasing the lux value.

Applications of Lumen

Lumen values are commonly used to compare the light output of various types of lamps, especially in consumer products. When purchasing a lamp for home use, the packaging will usually indicate the number of lumens to help the buyer understand how bright the lamp will be. For example, an LED lamp with a low wattage may still have a high lumen value, indicating that it is an energy-efficient yet bright light source.

Lumen is also used in the design of lighting systems for commercial buildings, street lighting, and other public spaces. It helps designers and engineers determine how many light sources are needed to adequately illuminate a space, taking into account the required brightness.

Applications of Lux

Lux is particularly important in situations where the illuminance on a specific surface is critical. This is especially true in work environments, such as offices, factories, and hospitals, where a certain level of lux is required to ensure safety and efficiency. For example, there are guidelines for the amount of lux needed in different workspaces. In an office environment, 300 to 500 lux is usually sufficient, while detailed work or laboratory environments may require 1000 lux or more.

Lux also plays a key role in outdoor lighting design, such as for sports fields or parking lots. A stadium, for example, requires a high lux level to ensure that players and spectators can see well, while a parking lot may require a lower lux level since the intensity of light is less critical.

How are Lux and Lumen Measured?

Lumen is typically measured using an integrating sphere, a device that captures and measures the light emitted by a source in all directions. It is a precise way to determine the total light output of a light source without considering where the light is directed.

Lux is measured using a lux meter, a device that measures the amount of light falling on a specific surface. These meters are useful for checking the lighting conditions in a space and are often used by architects and engineers to ensure that a particular lighting setup meets the required standards.

The Importance of Lux and Lumen in Lighting Design

When designing lighting for a building or space, it is crucial to consider both lumen and lux. The lumen value of the lamps used determines how much light is available, while the lux value ensures that this light is effectively distributed across the space where it is needed.

A poorly designed lighting system can lead to dark spots in a room or over-illumination, causing eye strain and discomfort. By finding the right balance between lumen and lux, designers can create lighting that is both functional and comfortable for the occupants of the space.

Energy Efficiency and Light Sources

With the growing focus on energy efficiency, it is important to understand how lumen and lux relate to the energy consumption of light sources. Traditional incandescent bulbs consumed a lot of energy to produce relatively few lumens, making them inefficient. Modern light sources like LED lamps, however, can deliver much higher lumen output with far less energy.

An important consideration when choosing a light source is the lumen per watt ratio, also known as luminous efficacy. This indicates how many lumens a lamp produces for every watt of energy it consumes. The higher the value, the more efficient the lamp is. This is especially important in commercial and industrial environments, where lighting costs can significantly impact the overall energy bill.

Light Quality and Color Rendering

While lumen and lux are important for measuring the amount and intensity of light, light quality is another crucial aspect of lighting. Light quality is often measured using color temperature and the color rendering index (CRI). Color temperature, measured in Kelvin (K), determines the color of the light, while the CRI indicates how accurately the light can render colors.

A light source with a high lumen and lux value can still be unpleasant if the color temperature is too cold or too warm for the environment. Similarly, a light source with a low CRI can make colors appear dull and unnatural, which can be important in spaces like retail stores or galleries where color reproduction is critical.


Lux and lumen are fundamental concepts in the world of lighting and play a crucial role in the design and evaluation of lighting systems. Lumen describes the total amount of light emitted by a source, while lux measures the intensity of that light on a specific surface. While they are often confused, they each have unique applications and are both essential for effective lighting design.

In our increasingly illuminated world, where energy efficiency and sustainability are more important than ever, lumen and lux are valuable tools for evaluating light sources and ensuring optimal lighting in any situation. Whether lighting a home, an office, or a football stadium, understanding these two units is key to creating a well-lit and comfortable environment.

  Thats Led     27-08-2021 22:04     Comments ( 0 )
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